Mungo Artoria Artoria mungo Framenau & Baehr, 2018
Fauna Portal species: 7677Diagnosis
(after Framenau & Baehr 2018): Based on the shape of the tegular apophysis, males of Artoria mungo are most similar to A. helensmithae and A. beaury. Artoria beaury differs distinctly in the shape of the basoembolic apophysis which is much broader than that of A. mungo. In A. helensmithae the apical edge of the tegular apophysis is much more indented than in A. mungo. Female A. mungo are most similar to A. wilkiei based on the shape of the epigyne in ventral view, but the spermathecal heads of the latter are much larger and touching medially.
- native
Linnean Holotype
- New South Wales
Fauna Portal Records
The map shows all records that have been verified as part of the Fauna Portal project and may not represent the true distribution of a species. Specifically, for described species, check the link to the Atlas of Living Australia on this page for potential wider distributions. Fauna Portal Reference specimens and Linnean types are shown in red. If you identified a specimen that exceeds the distribution of an undescribed species as illustrated here, please contact the Fauna Portal team who can assist with the lodgement of the specimen in a public institution and display on the map.
Framenau VW, Baehr, BC (2018): The wolf spider genus Artoria in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, Australia (Araneae, Lycosidae, Artoriinae). Evolutionary Systematics. 2: 169 - 241
Araneae (Spiders)
- Actinopodidae
- Anamidae
- Araneae fam. indet.
- Araneidae
- Archaeidae
- Arkyidae
- Barychelidae
- Cheiracanthiidae
- Clubionidae
- Corinnidae
- Deinopidae
- Desidae
- Dictynidae
- Filistatidae
- Gnaphosidae
- Halonoproctidae
- Hersiliidae
- Idiopidae
- Lamponidae
- Linyphiidae
- Lycosidae
- Allotrochosina
- Anomalosa
- Artoria
- aculeata
- albopedipalpis
- albopilata
- alta
- atrata
- avona
- barringtonensis
- beaury
- belfordensis
- berenice
- bondi
- booderee
- cingulipes
- comleroi
- corowa
- emu
- equipalus
- extraordinaria
- falcata
- flavimana
- FP-11765
- FP-13189
- FP-13237
- gloriosa
- grahammilledgei
- helensmithae
- howquaensis
- impedita
- incrassata
- inversa
- kanangra
- kerewong
- lamellata
- lineata
- linnaei
- maroota
- mckayi
- mungo
- munmorah
- myallensis
- parvula
- pileata
- pinnata
- plicata
- quadrata
- retorta
- schizocoides
- slatyeri
- strepera
- taeniata
- taeniifera
- terania
- triangularis
- trifida
- ulrichi
- victoriensis
- wilkiei
- Artoriopsis
- Costacosa
- Diahogna
- Dingosa
- Genus 2556 (ariadnae grp)
- Genus 3448 (leonhardii gp)
- Genus 3491 (laeta grp)
- Genus 3643 (yalkara grp)
- Hoggicosa
- Hogna
- Kangarosa
- Knoelle
- Kochosa
- Lycosidae gen. indet.
- Mainosa
- Portacosa
- Tapetosa
- Tasmanicosa
- Tetralycosa
- Tuberculosa
- Venator
- Venatrix
- Venonia
- Zoica
- Allotrochosina
- Mimetidae
- Miturgidae
- Mysmenidae
- Nicodamidae
- Oecobiidae
- Oonopidae
- Oxyopidae
- Philodromidae
- Pholcidae
- Pisauridae
- Prodidomidae
- Salticidae
- Scytodidae
- Segestriidae
- Selenopidae
- Sparassidae
- Symphytognathidae
- Tetrablemmidae
- Theridiidae
- Thomisidae
- Trachelidae
- Trachycosmidae
- Trochanteriidae
- Uloboridae
- Zodariidae
- Zoropsidae
All classes
- Arachnida
- Crustacea
- Gastropoda
- Insecta
- Orthoptera - Caelifera (Grasshoppers)
- Hymenoptera excl. Formicidae (bees and wasps)
- Blattodea s. str. (Cockroaches)
- Coleoptera (Beetles)
- Dermaptera (earwigs)
- Diptera (flies, mosquitos)
- Entomobryomorpha (slender springtails)
- Hemiptera - Heteroptera (True Bugs)
- Hemiptera - Sternorrhyncha (aphids, scales etc.)
- Hemiptera - Auchenorrhyncha (cicadas, planthoppers)
- Hymenoptera - Formicidae (Ants)
- Trichoptera (Caddisflies)
- Zygentoma (silverfish)
- Myriapoda