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Hovea Stephanopis Stephanopis FP-11667
Discoverer: B.N. Framenau

Fauna Portal species: 11667
Family: Thomisidae


Stephanopis FP-11667 could not be key out in Machado et al.'s (2019) key. It seems most similar to Isala cambridgei but clearly differs in detail of colouration and epigyne morphology; for example the anterior rim of the epigyne atrium is entire in Stephanopis FP-11667, but not so in I. cambridgei.

As I. cambridgei,  this species may also belong to the genus Isala pending an examination of a male (Machado & Teixeira 2021).


  • native

Fauna Portal Reference

1 ♀
Harry Butler Institute
18 October 2022
Western Australia
545 Hedges Road, Hovea


  • Western Australia

Fauna Portal Records

The map shows all records that have been verified as part of the Fauna Portal project and may not represent the true distribution of a species. Specifically, for described species, check the link to the Atlas of Living Australia on this page for potential wider distributions. Fauna Portal Reference specimens and Linnean types are shown in red. If you identified a specimen that exceeds the distribution of an undescribed species as illustrated here, please contact the Fauna Portal team who can assist with the lodgement of the specimen in a public institution and display on the map.


Machado M, Teixeira RA (2021): Phylogenetic relationships in Stephanopinae: systematics of Stephanopis and Sidymella based on morphological characters (Araneae: Thomisidae). Organisms Diversity & Evolution. 21: 281 - 313DOI

Machado M, Teixeira RA, Milledge GA (2019): On the Australian bark crab spider genus Stephanopis: taxonomic review and description of seven new species (Araneae: Thomisidae: Stephanopinae). Records of the Australian Museum. 71: 217 - 276

Volker Framenau, 10 August 2023