Sucking Millipedes
In Australia, Siphonotidae are the only family in the Polyzoniida and differ from families in the Siphonophorida by the presence of one or two pairs of eyes. The family is poorly know taxonomically, with two described genera, Rhinotus and Siphonotus, but many more undescribed genera are known from collections.
Polyzoniida (Sucking Millipedes)
All classes
- Arachnida
- Crustacea
- Gastropoda
- Insecta
- Orthoptera - Caelifera (Grasshoppers)
- Hymenoptera excl. Formicidae (bees and wasps)
- Blattodea s. str. (Cockroaches)
- Coleoptera (Beetles)
- Dermaptera (earwigs)
- Diptera (flies, mosquitos)
- Entomobryomorpha (slender springtails)
- Hemiptera - Heteroptera (True Bugs)
- Hemiptera - Sternorrhyncha (aphids, scales etc.)
- Hemiptera - Auchenorrhyncha (cicadas, planthoppers)
- Hymenoptera - Formicidae (Ants)
- Trichoptera (Caddisflies)
- Zygentoma (silverfish)
- Myriapoda