Spurgebug Dicranocephalus FP-1006
Fauna Portal species: 1006Diagnosis
A single species of Dicranocephalus is described from Australia, D. aroonanus (Brailovsky et al. 2001), and an identification of D. FP-1006 collected on Barrow Island against this species by examining the genitialia is still pending.
Fauna Portal Reference
- Western Australia
Brailovsky H.,Barrera E., Gollner U. & Cassis G. (2001): A new species of Dicranocephalus (Hemiptera: Stenocephalidae) from Australia. Annals of the Entomolocial Society of America. 94: 363 - 366
Hemiptera - Heteroptera (True Bugs)
All classes
- Arachnida
- Crustacea
- Insecta
- Orthoptera - Caelifera (Grasshoppers)
- Hymenoptera excl. Formicidae (bees and wasps)
- Blattodea s. str. (Cockroaches)
- Coleoptera (Beetles)
- Dermaptera (earwigs)
- Diptera (flies, mosquitos)
- Hemiptera - Heteroptera (True Bugs)
- Hemiptera - Sternorrhyncha (aphids, scales etc.)
- Hemiptera - Auchenorrhyncha (cicadas, planthoppers)
- Hymenoptera - Formicidae (Ants)
- Trichoptera (Caddisflies)
- Myriapoda